Moataz Alkhawas - Egypt


Prof. Moataz Alkhawas
BDS, MSC & PhD in Endodontics
Head of Endodontic Department , Al-Azhar University
Consultant of Endodontic Microsurgery
Postgraduate Teaching Prof. at Savetha Uni, India
General Secertary of Al-Azhar International Dental Conference AIDC
Certified Trainer at Egyptian Ministry of Health
Certified Endodontic Consultant at Scfhs
Board Member of PanEndo Conference

Dr. Moataz Alkhawas is a Professor and Head of the Department of Endodontics, Al-Azhar University. Dr Moataz research interests lie in the area of advanced tools and modalities that improve clinical skills of general dentists in the field of endodontics. He has collaborated actively with researchers in several other disciplines of dentistry over the world to achieve such goal. He has served on roughly more than thirty international and national conferences. He also participated as a course director and speaker in many scientific events that was certified from University of Warsaw, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, Iraq Dental Association, Egyptian Association of Endodontists . Dr.Alkhawas is an editorial board member of EC Dental Science Journal. He is active board member of PanEndo International Conference powered by Egyptian Association of Endodontists . He is an opinion leader for different dental companies that work in the field of endodontics.


The Art of the Endodontic Portfolio: Elevating Your Job Prospects